About BSA Shipping Agencies ANS
Competitive Shipyards worldwide
The Company was established in 1996. From the very beginning the core business and focus have been on ship repairs, conversions and newbuildings. The objective has from the start been to seek the very best technical and commercial solutions for our clinets projects related to repairs, conversions and new buildings. We have been around the world attending numerous of repairs and dry dockings on site, accumulating experiences and establishing a vital trust between the shipyard, its management and the owners. You cannot serve your clients from behind an office desk.
In close cooperation with our esteemed friends and Principals, we are able to offer our clients a comprehensive and professional service world wide.
Offshore and Special Projects:
The Department is headed by Mr. Knut von Krogh. What Mr. von Krogh does not know about the below areas during his nearly 50 years in the business, is not worth knowing. He is a walking martime encyclopedia and has a creative solution for almost any type of challenges a charterer, a buyer or a construction company may have for planning a new Jetty, a bridge or tunnel etc during the preface engineering stage or during the construction.
- Sale and purchase and chartering of all types of Offshore Support Vessels
- Flat top barges for transport and accommodation
- Salvage, Towage and Heavy transport
- Dredging and Survey Vessels
- Self elevating and Work Platforms
For enquires, kindly contact Mr. Knut Von Krogh.